Articles on: Data & Security

What happens to my data when I close my account?

The following outlines what happens when you close your account?

When you close or cancel your Upside account, we will proceed in the following order:

return all Upsides (your savings) to your linked bank account;

cancel any Direct Debit mandates you have set up to enable Autosaves or any other services on our platform;

lastly, unlink and disconnect all your bank account(s) authorisations and stop collecting your OpenBanking data

This means we will no longer:
refresh and collect data, namely your bank account, bank account number, sort code, balances, and transaction data;

be able to assist you in saving money

Please Note: When you delete, cancel or close your Upside account, we:

- have a legal requirement to retain financial data for a period of six years;
- do not delete historical information we hold relating to the service(s) provided to you in accordance with the above legislation. This includes;
- information such as your Upside transactions (deposits, withdrawals), and;
- identifiers such as your email address, address details etc

We will remain in communication with you, unless you have explicitly withdrawn your consent to be contacted.

Is this really goodbye?
If there is anything you would like to discuss or we can improve we would love to hear from you.

You can reach us by writing to or Talk to us via LiveChat

Updated on: 24/11/2020

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