What is Auto-Cashback and how much does it cost?
What is Auto-Cashback and how does it work? Auto-Cashback is money (Upsides) we identify or find for you on a daily basis The amounts that you receive are dynamically calculated daily based on the percentage cashback offer Upside has secured with your favourite brands The cashback amounts are identified and calculated from your OpenBanking data linked in your Upside app as you shop at these brands The cashback amounts are then paid into your Upside account as savings eFew readersCashback - Exclusions
Cashback Exclusions Explained When is cashback excluded? Upside aims to pay cashback or 'Upside' on all purchases you make with our partners. From time to time, there may be some specific instances where exclusions apply either as a result of specific government legislation or partner decisions. The information below, highlights the exclusions specified by our Partners Applicable to all partners Giftcards or Vouchers Cash withdrawls at either point ofFew readers